The Young Adult Fellowship of Saint Steven's Cathedral provides regular educational and fellowship opportunities for young adults. Regular fellowship gatherings are held at the Cathedral as scheduled. The annual Lenten Retreat, "Hollywood Bowl Outing" and "Young Adult Picnic" are examples of the events sponsored by the Fellowship.
The young adults embraced the feast day of Saint Nicholai (Velimirovic) as their patron for many reasons. Saint Nicholai, while serving the Church both in the United States and elsewhere, always took an interest in the education of families and young adults. Also, he was one of the bishops who consecrated Saint Steven's Cathedral church in October, 1952. For these and other reasons, this feast day was selected to be the slava observance for our young adult fellowship.
Cathedral Tutors & Greeters
Integration of the young adults into the life of the Cathedral includes regular participation as tutors and greeters on at least the first Sunday of the month. These duties entail preparing the Cathedral for services, offering a warm greeting, selling candles, distributing bulletins and ushering congregants.
Lenten Retreat
Scheduled on the second or third weekend of Great Lent, the retreat has been described in the following ways by some of the regular attendees: “It's the way I charge my spiritual battery;” “It's perfect because it makes me stop everything else in my life and actually leave town for a weekend, so I really focus on what we talk about and the people there with me;” “It's more meaningful to me during Lent because it helps me prepare for Easter.”
Patronal Feast Day-Slava Observance
In observance of St. Nikolai's feast day, May 3, the young adults gather for the blessing, turning and distributing of the Kolach just before the lunch they prepare is served in the social hall.

1621 West Garvey Avenue
Alhambra, CA 91803
12MarPresanctified Liturgy 7:00 p.m.Fri
14MarAkathist Hynmns Service 7:00 p.m.Sat
15Mar6:00 Vespers