Category: Upcoming Events
68 results found.
Message on the Beginning of Great Lent - 03/02/25

Forgiveness Sunday - 02/27/25

For if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. - Matthew 6: 15

Annual Report 2024 - 02/26/25

As discussed at the annual meeting, the past year 2024 was another wonderful year of great blessings for our Cathedral family, made possible by the generosity and labor of love of all of us working together for the glory of God.

Lenten Guide 2025 - 02/26/25

Schedule of Services and Events during Great Lent

The Parable of the Last Judgement - 02/20/25

"The end of the world' signifies not the annihilation of the world, but its transformation." Everything will be transformed suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye.... And the Lord will appear in glory on the clouds.

The Prodigal Son - 02/14/25

Only the gospel of Christ fully knows the mystery of sin and the problem of sin and everything which hides within it.

The Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord - 02/13/25

Celbrated February 15

Forty days after Christ was born he was presented to God in the Jerusalem Temple according to the Law of Moses. At this time as well, His mother Mary underwent the ritual purification, and offered the sacrifice as prescribed in the Law ( Leviticus 12 ).

Parable of the Publican and Pharisee - 02/07/25

In the Orthodox Church the Triodion begins with the Parable of the Publican and Pharisee to begin the prepartion for Great Lent.

The Feast of the Three Hierarchs - 02/07/25

Celbrated February 12 

Each of these saints has his own feast day: St. Basil the Great, January 1; St. Gregory the Theologian, January 25; and St. John Chrysostom, January 27.

California Fires - 01/16/25

We ask you to continue praying for all the people of Los Angeles and the surrounding region. Tens of thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes, including our parishioners, as the worst ever wildfires rage over the Los Angeles area.

The Feast of Theophany - 01/14/25

God has appeared!

The Feast of Saint Sava - 01/14/25

On the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - 01/03/25

When the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son (Galatians 4:4) to save the human race. And when nine months were fulfilled from the Annunciation, when the Archangel Gabriel had appeared to the Most-holy Virgin in Nazareth, saying, Rejoice,

Schedule of Services for Christmas and Epiphany - 12/26/24

Join us for the celebration of the Nativity and Theophany Season!

The Sunday of the Holy Forefathers of the Old Covenant - 12/23/24

Two Sundays before the celebration of Christmas, the Orthodox Church rejoices in the festival of the Holy Forefathers of the Old Covenant,

The Feast of Saint Nicholas - 12/12/24

This glorious saint, celebrated even today throughout the entire world, was the only son of his eminent and wealthy parents, Theophanes and Nona, citizens of the city of Patara in Lycia.

The Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple - 11/29/24

When the Most-holy Virgin Mary reached the age of three, her holy parents Joachim and Anna took her from Nazareth to Jerusalem to dedicate her to the service of God

The Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel and the Bodiless Powers - 11/14/24

The angels of God were celebrated by men from earliest times but this celebration was often turned into the divinization of angels (II Kings 23:5). The heretics wove all sorts of fables concerning the angels.

Saints Cosmos and Damian - 11/07/24

Unmercenary Physicians: Patron Saints of Medicine and Pharmacy

Saint Demitrios - 11/01/24

This glorious and wonderworking saint was born in Thessalonica of noble and devout parents.

Saint Petar of Cetinje, Montenegro - 10/25/24

Metropolitan and Ruler of Montenegro

The Evangelist Luke - 10/25/24

Saint Luke, Apostle and Evangelist celebrated October 31

Feast of Saint Paraskeva-Petka - 10/25/24

One of the most beloved saints of Europe, Saint Petka is celebrated on October 27.

Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God - 10/11/24

On October 1/14 the Church celebrates the Feast of the Protection of the Theotokos. This feast of the Protection of the Theotokos is neither one of the Twelve Great Feasts of the Church nor is it a commemoration of any events in the earthly lives of our Lord or His Mother.

Cathedral Celebrates Patron Feast Day - 10/11/24

On Sunday, October 6, 2024, the Cathedral joyfully celebrated the feast of Saint Steven, known as Simon the Monk.

Commemorating Saint Steven, Simon the Monk - 10/01/24

Patronal feast day to be celebrated October 6, 2024

Cathedral Patronal Feast Day - 09/30/24

The Birth of the Most Holy Mother of God - 09/18/24

Annual Parish Festival SerbFest 2024 - 09/03/24

SEPTEMBER 21-22, 2024!

Annual Parish Festival SerbFest 2024 - 08/26/24

Don't Miss it!  September 21-22, 2024!

The Dormition of the Mother of God - 08/24/24

The Lord Who, on Mount Sinai, gave the Fifth Commandment, Honor thy father and thy mother, showed by His own example how one should respect one's parents.

The Transfiguration of Our Lord - 08/15/24

...He took Peter, James and John with Him and went by night to Mount Tabor, and was there transfigured before them...

Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul - 07/11/24

Unlearned and learned, but equal in spirit, and as strong as angels in the love of God...

Birth of Saint John the Baptist - 07/03/24

Three-fold commemoration of Vidovdan, Women's Auxiliary Slava and Endowment Recognition Day - 07/03/24

The Feast of All Saints - 06/28/24

The Feast of Pentecost - 06/21/24

The whole aim of the Christian life is to be a Spirit-bearer, to live in the Spirit of God, to breathe the Spirit of God. “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20).

The Ascension of Our Lord - 06/12/24

“And Jesus led them out as far as Bethany, and lifted up His hands and blessed them. Now while He blessed them,  He was parted from them and carried up into heaven...”

Annual Vidovdan, Women's Auxiliary Slava, and Endowment Recognition Day! - 06/06/24

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Eleventh Annual Festival of Learning - 06/06/24

Festival of Learning
The 2023-2024 Sunday school year concluded with a lot of fanfare, thanks to the seventh eleventh annual Festival of Learning, the unique learning event where the parishioners visit the class displays in an ‘open house’ setting...

The Samaritan Woman at Jacob's Well - 05/31/24

The Holy Gospel has not given us the name of the Samaritan woman. But the Tradition of the Church remembers, and calls her in Greek - Photini, in Russian - Svetlana, in the Celtic languages...

Fourth Sunday of Pascha - 05/22/24

The healing of the paralytic...

Sunday of the Myrrhbearing Women - 05/15/24

This all-joyful appearance of the Lord [to the Myrrbearing Women] was the first after His rising from the grave and consequently it is glorified by the Church at the present time as the undoubted proof of His resurrection.

Holy Week and Pascha 2024 - 05/05/24

Holy Week and Pascha was celebrated with a full liturgical cycle and Paschal festivites for a large number of parishioners gathering together for the "Feast of feasts"

Schedule of Holy Week Services - 04/24/24

The week of April 28 begins Holy Passion Week!

Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday - 04/24/24

Saturday, April 27 is Lazarus Saturday and Sunday, April 28, 2024 is Palm Sunday!

Fifth Sunday of Great Lent: Saint Mary of Egypt - 04/19/24

On the last Sunday of the Great and Saving 40 days, we commorate Saint Mary of Egypt.

Fourth Sunday of Great Lent - 04/12/24

Feast of Saint John Climacus of Sinai, Author of the Ladder of Divine Ascent
On the Fourth Sunday of Holy Lent the Orthodox Church commemorates our Righteous Father John Climacus.

Third Sunday of Great Lent - 04/04/24

The third Sunday of Lent is called "The Veneration of the Cross." At the Vigil of that day, after the Great Doxology, the Cross is brought in a solemn procession to the center of the church and remains there for the entire week

The Feast of the Annunciation - 04/04/24

The Annunciation: The Feast of Good News!
“Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS." (Luke 1:31)

Second Sunday of Lent - 03/28/24

Celebrating Saint Gregory Palamas

Celebrating the Feast of Saint Sava - 02/01/24

On Sunday, January 28, our parish celebrated the feast day of our Sunday School.

The Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord and Feast of Saint Basil the Great - 01/11/24

Triennial Visit to New York - 01/05/24

December 27-30 was the week our Saint Steven' Cathedral Youth Group spent in New York City!

Annual Advent Concert December 17, 2023 - 12/08/23

Join us on Sunday, December 17 for liturgy and our Advent Concert

The Feast of Saint John Chrysostom - 11/24/23

John was born in Antioch in the year 354. His father, Secundus, was an imperial commander and his mother’s name was Anthusa. Studying Greek philosophy, John became disgusted with Hellenic paganism and adopted the Christian Faith as the one and all-embracing truth.

Cathedral Celebrates Patron Feast Day - 10/12/23

On Sunday, October 8, 2023, Saint Steven's Cathedral Celebrated the Feast of the patron Saint of the parish Steven, the First Crowned King of Serbia, known as Simon the monk. The day began with Matins and the Hierachical Divine Liturgy.

Diocesan Days 2023 - 07/27/23

"Seek first the Kingdom of God" Matthew 6:33 is the theme of this year's Diocesesan Days at Saint Steven Cathedral.

The Upbringing of Children - 06/09/23

If someone told you that you would have no problems with your children if you raised them a certain way, would you be interested in learning more? 

2023 Festival of Learning - 05/26/23

Saint Steven's Festival of Learning is the biggest celebration of learning in the parish, showcasing the remarkable achievements of our children, youth and adults who have used learning to transform their lives, as they are formed in the Orthodox Christian Faith. 

The Meaning of Holy Week - 04/11/23

A LITURGICAL EXPLANATION OF HOLY WEEK Fr. +Alexander Schmemann: The Way of the Cross...

Palm Sunday: Hossana! - 04/10/23

On Palm Sunday, April 8, 2023, our Cathedral parish community gathered to celebrate the triumpant entrance ino Jerusalme of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Schedule of Holy Week Services - 04/09/23

Schedule of daily services during Holy Week...

Saint Mary of Egypt - 03/30/23

On the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent, we commemorate Saint Mary of Egypt.

Lenten Guide - 03/10/23

JOURNEY TO PASCHA:  Schedule of Services and special events for the Great and Holy Lenten Season.

Annual Report 2022 - 03/08/23

As the first quarter of 2023 will soon be drawing to a close, I take this opportunity to once again thank everyone for their active participation in the life and work of the Church. 

Women's Auxiliary Spring Fling 2023 - 02/26/23

Our Women's Auxiliary Annual Spring Fling event was held on February 25, 2022 and attended by over 200 women and guests of the parish.

Women's Auxiliary Spring Fling 2023 - 02/16/23

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Saint Steven's Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
1621 West Garvey Avenue
Alhambra, CA 91803

  • Wed

    Presanctified Liturgy 7:00 p.m.
  • Fri

    Akathist Hynmns Service 7:00 p.m.
  • Sat

    6:00 Vespers
Recent News
Category: Upcoming Events
68 results found.
  • Message on the Beginning of Great Lent
  • Forgiveness Sunday
    For if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. - Matthew 6: 15
  • Annual Report 2024
    As discussed at the annual meeting, the past year 2024 was another wonderful year of great blessings for our Cathedral family, made possible by the generosity and labor of love of all of us working to
  • Lenten Guide 2025
    Schedule of Services and Events during Great Lent
  • The Parable of the Last Judgement
    "The end of the world' signifies not the annihilation of the world, but its transformation." Everything will be transformed suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye.... And the Lord will appear in glory o
  • The Prodigal Son
    Only the gospel of Christ fully knows the mystery of sin and the problem of sin and everything which hides within it.
  • The Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord
    Celbrated February 15 Forty days after Christ was born he was presented to God in the Jerusalem Temple according to the Law of Moses. At this time as well, His mother Mary underwent the ritual purifi
  • Parable of the Publican and Pharisee
    In the Orthodox Church the Triodion begins with the Parable of the Publican and Pharisee to begin the prepartion for Great Lent.
  • The Feast of the Three Hierarchs
    Celbrated February 12  Each of these saints has his own feast day: St. Basil the Great, January 1; St. Gregory the Theologian, January 25; and St. John Chrysostom, January 27.
  • California Fires
    We ask you to continue praying for all the people of Los Angeles and the surrounding region. Tens of thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes, including our parishioners, as the w
  • The Feast of Theophany
    God has appeared!
  • The Feast of Saint Sava
  • On the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
    When the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son (Galatians 4:4) to save the human race. And when nine months were fulfilled from the Annunciation, when the Archangel Gabriel had appeare
  • Schedule of Services for Christmas and Epiphany
    Join us for the celebration of the Nativity and Theophany Season!
  • The Sunday of the Holy Forefathers of the Old Covenant
    Two Sundays before the celebration of Christmas, the Orthodox Church rejoices in the festival of the Holy Forefathers of the Old Covenant,
  • The Feast of Saint Nicholas
    This glorious saint, celebrated even today throughout the entire world, was the only son of his eminent and wealthy parents, Theophanes and Nona, citizens of the city of Patara in Lycia.
  • The Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple
    When the Most-holy Virgin Mary reached the age of three, her holy parents Joachim and Anna took her from Nazareth to Jerusalem to dedicate her to the service of God
  • The Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel and the Bodiless Powers
    The angels of God were celebrated by men from earliest times but this celebration was often turned into the divinization of angels (II Kings 23:5). The heretics wove all sorts of fables concerning the
  • Saints Cosmos and Damian
    Unmercenary Physicians: Patron Saints of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Saint Demitrios
    This glorious and wonderworking saint was born in Thessalonica of noble and devout parents.
  • Saint Petar of Cetinje, Montenegro
    Metropolitan and Ruler of Montenegro
  • The Evangelist Luke
    Saint Luke, Apostle and Evangelist celebrated October 31
  • Feast of Saint Paraskeva-Petka
    One of the most beloved saints of Europe, Saint Petka is celebrated on October 27.
  • Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God
    On October 1/14 the Church celebrates the Feast of the Protection of the Theotokos. This feast of the Protection of the Theotokos is neither one of the Twelve Great Feasts of the Church nor is it a co
  • Cathedral Celebrates Patron Feast Day
    On Sunday, October 6, 2024, the Cathedral joyfully celebrated the feast of Saint Steven, known as Simon the Monk.
  • Commemorating Saint Steven, Simon the Monk
    Patronal feast day to be celebrated October 6, 2024
  • Cathedral Patronal Feast Day
  • The Birth of the Most Holy Mother of God
  • Annual Parish Festival SerbFest 2024
    SEPTEMBER 21-22, 2024!
  • The Dormition of the Mother of God
    The Lord Who, on Mount Sinai, gave the Fifth Commandment, Honor thy father and thy mother, showed by His own example how one should respect one's parents.
  • The Transfiguration of Our Lord
    ...He took Peter, James and John with Him and went by night to Mount Tabor, and was there transfigured before them...
  • Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul
    Unlearned and learned, but equal in spirit, and as strong as angels in the love of God...
  • Birth of Saint John the Baptist
  • Three-fold commemoration of Vidovdan, Women's Auxiliary Slava and Endowment Recognition Day
  • The Feast of All Saints
  • The Feast of Pentecost
    The whole aim of the Christian life is to be a Spirit-bearer, to live in the Spirit of God, to breathe the Spirit of God. “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the
  • The Ascension of Our Lord
    “And Jesus led them out as far as Bethany, and lifted up His hands and blessed them. Now while He blessed them,  He was parted from them and carried up into heaven...”
  • Annual Vidovdan, Women's Auxiliary Slava, and Endowment Recognition Day!
    Sunday, June 30, 2024
  • Eleventh Annual Festival of Learning
    Festival of LearningThe 2023-2024 Sunday school year concluded with a lot of fanfare, thanks to the seventh eleventh annual Festival of Learning, the unique learning event where the parishioners visit
  • The Samaritan Woman at Jacob's Well
    The Holy Gospel has not given us the name of the Samaritan woman. But the Tradition of the Church remembers, and calls her in Greek - Photini, in Russian - Svetlana, in the Celtic languages...
  • Fourth Sunday of Pascha
    The healing of the paralytic...
  • Sunday of the Myrrhbearing Women
    This all-joyful appearance of the Lord [to the Myrrbearing Women] was the first after His rising from the grave and consequently it is glorified by the Church at the present time as the undoubted proo
  • Holy Week and Pascha 2024
    Holy Week and Pascha was celebrated with a full liturgical cycle and Paschal festivites for a large number of parishioners gathering together for the "Feast of feasts"
  • Schedule of Holy Week Services
    The week of April 28 begins Holy Passion Week!
  • Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday
    Saturday, April 27 is Lazarus Saturday and Sunday, April 28, 2024 is Palm Sunday!
  • Fifth Sunday of Great Lent: Saint Mary of Egypt
    On the last Sunday of the Great and Saving 40 days, we commorate Saint Mary of Egypt.
  • Fourth Sunday of Great Lent
    Feast of Saint John Climacus of Sinai, Author of the Ladder of Divine AscentOn the Fourth Sunday of Holy Lent the Orthodox Church commemorates our Righteous Father John Climacus.
  • Third Sunday of Great Lent
    The third Sunday of Lent is called "The Veneration of the Cross." At the Vigil of that day, after the Great Doxology, the Cross is brought in a solemn procession to the center of the church
  • The Feast of the Annunciation
    The Annunciation: The Feast of Good News!“Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS." (Luke 1:31)
  • Second Sunday of Lent
    Celebrating Saint Gregory Palamas
  • Celebrating the Feast of Saint Sava
    On Sunday, January 28, our parish celebrated the feast day of our Sunday School.
  • The Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord and Feast of Saint Basil the Great
  • Triennial Visit to New York
    December 27-30 was the week our Saint Steven' Cathedral Youth Group spent in New York City!
  • Annual Advent Concert December 17, 2023
    Join us on Sunday, December 17 for liturgy and our Advent Concert
  • The Feast of Saint John Chrysostom
    John was born in Antioch in the year 354. His father, Secundus, was an imperial commander and his mother’s name was Anthusa. Studying Greek philosophy, John became disgusted with Hellenic pagani
  • Cathedral Celebrates Patron Feast Day
    On Sunday, October 8, 2023, Saint Steven's Cathedral Celebrated the Feast of the patron Saint of the parish Steven, the First Crowned King of Serbia, known as Simon the monk. The day began with Matins
  • The Upbringing of Children
    If someone told you that you would have no problems with your children if you raised them a certain way, would you be interested in learning more? 
  • 2023 Festival of Learning
    Saint Steven's Festival of Learning is the biggest celebration of learning in the parish, showcasing the remarkable achievements of our children, youth and adults who have used learning to transform t
  • The Meaning of Holy Week
    A LITURGICAL EXPLANATION OF HOLY WEEK Fr. +Alexander Schmemann: The Way of the Cross...
  • Palm Sunday: Hossana!
    On Palm Sunday, April 8, 2023, our Cathedral parish community gathered to celebrate the triumpant entrance ino Jerusalme of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
  • Schedule of Holy Week Services
    Schedule of daily services during Holy Week...
  • Saint Mary of Egypt
    On the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent, we commemorate Saint Mary of Egypt.
  • Lenten Guide
    JOURNEY TO PASCHA:  Schedule of Services and special events for the Great and Holy Lenten Season.
  • Annual Report 2022
    As the first quarter of 2023 will soon be drawing to a close, I take this opportunity to once again thank everyone for their active participation in the life and work of the Church. 
  • Women's Auxiliary Spring Fling 2023
    Our Women's Auxiliary Annual Spring Fling event was held on February 25, 2022 and attended by over 200 women and guests of the parish.
  • Women's Auxiliary Spring Fling 2023
    Saturday, February 25, 2023
Saint Steven's Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
1621 West Garvey Avenue
Alhambra, CA 91803


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