Cathedral Slava Celebration 2023
/ Cathedral Slava Celebration 2023

On Sunday, October 8, 2023, Saint Steven's Cathedral Celebrated the Feast of the Patron Saint of the parish, Steven, the First Crowned King of Serbia, known as Simon the monk.  The day began with Matins and the Hierachical Divine Liturgy.  Prior to the beginning of the liturgy, His Grace, Bishop Maxim tonsured Laurence, "Larry" Stefan to the rank of reader.  For many years Larry has been learning to chant and regularly reads at the matins and liturgy services. 

At the liturgy, His Grace gave a homily on the gospel account of Our Lord at the lake of Gennesaret and the calling of the disciples who "forsook all and followed Him." (Luke 5:11)  He reflected on this message as it applied to the life of Saint Steven, who, as a pious ruler, also "forsook" all  things in order to follow Christ, which he did as he received the monastic tonsure, and the monastic name Simon.

As the liturgy was concluding, everyone participated in the festal procession around the Cathedral temple, stopping for memorial prayers for the departed bishops, priests, charter and founding members, and all of those from our parish family who have departed this life in hope of the resurrection and eternal life.

The procession then led to the front of the temple where His Grace, Bishop Maxim led everyone in the blessing and cutting of the festal bread and blessing of the slava wheat.  This was another opportunity to pray for one another and to offer special prayers for the parish family, especially the honored "slavski kumovi:" Robert and Vera Russo, Dejan and Marija Radovanovich and Hayden Bullard.

Following the services, everyone joined together in the Cathedral social hall for the banquet festivities prepared by our women's auxiliary.  Executive Board Vice-President Dushan Pavichevich welcomed everyone and greeted all the guests as they viewed a special slide show of parish events.  A playlist of favorite songs entertained everyone throughout the afternoon.  

The program began with wonderful folklore dance performances by our dance troupes "Angeli" and "Sokoli."  Everyone was then invited to pray together as Bishop Maxim blessed the banquet which was followed by the singing of the National Athems by our Catehdral Choir.

At the banquet, Cathedral Dean, Fr. Nikola Ceko greeted everyone and thanked them for thier pariticpation in this years' feast day celebration, highlighting the work of the Church that our members do in the parish and in the greater community of Southern California. Congregation Executive Board President, Katheryn Olaiz, presented the honors to this year's slava kumovi. As each received a trypic icon of Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Steven (Simon), Kathryn highlighted their active participation in the life of the Cathedral and thanked them for thier generosity and service.

Upon the recommendation of Fr. Nick, gratefully acknowledging the work of the newly tonsured Reader Larry Stefan and his wife Pam in the parish for many years, His Grace Bishop Maxim presented them with the Episcopal Gramata of Recognition for thier service to the Church, to the delight of everyone present.  

The festivities concluded with gratitude to God for all things and to eveyone for thier attendance and participation.

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Saint Steven's Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
1621 West Garvey Avenue
Alhambra, CA 91803

  • Sat

    6:00 Vespers
  • Sun

    9:00 Matins
    10:00 Liturgy
  • Mon

    Saint Steven-Simon, the Monk
    Liturgy 10:00 a.m.
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  • Commemorating Saint Steven, Simon the Monk
    Patronal feast day to be celebrated October 6, 2024
Saint Steven's Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
1621 West Garvey Avenue
Alhambra, CA 91803
